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1. Our school's Liberal Studies curriculum is designed as "Core Curriculum" and "Liberal Arts Curriculum".
2. "Core curriculum" is mainly aimed at laying the foundation for common learning that students should have in order to cultivate high-quality citizens.
3. The liberal arts curriculum is guided by a multi-faceted education, with a focus on "Humanities and Arts", "Social Sciences" and "Nature and Life Sciences".
4 by the humanities and art curriculum, inspire students to consciously enhance the humanities and aesthetic ability, so that students understand the meaning and value of life, feel and appreciate the beauty of life.
5. Through social science courses, students understand the cognitive self and social relevance, to establish the correct moral and moral concepts, training students to care for the community, the pursuit of harmony between people and their relationship.
6. Through natural and life science courses, to understand the mysteries of life, to understand the contribution of natural science and technology to life, to learn the scientific spirit and methods to promote the harmonious relationship between man and nature.
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